Why Pauline Kael?

"[She] had a more positive influence on the climate for film in America than any other single person over the last three decades."

Monday, May 20, 2013

This Year...

In a few weeks, the school year will be coming to an end and I thought now would be a good time to reflect on our group project. Overall, I really enjoyed this project because it involved something that I really love doing, watching movies! We had a rough start with trying to figure out a group project that we all supported, but it was a good experience in trying to resolve conflict with our peers. It was painful to have to take notes during each movie because it would have been much more fun to just enjoy the movie, but I didn't mind it as much because I ended up picking really amazing movies. The movies I picked all ended up being surprisingly good, probably because I chose them based on whether or not I liked the trailer. I do wish that I had the time to watch a greater variety of movies just to get a better understanding of more of the techniques used to create stunning cinematography. However, I have been extremely busy recently with school, lacrosse playoffs, and preparing for the AP test. I have a long weekend this week and I am going to attempt to watch a few movies, including older ones to get a better grasp on the evolution of cinematography. Overall, this was a fairly enjoyable  project and it really has taught me to be more aware of the visual aspect of movies.

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