Last Friday I decided to watch Forrest Gump starring Tom Hanks as Forrest. Honestly, I had pretty high expectations going into the movie, and those expectations were met in full as I watched the credits roll across the screen. Since I watched the movie I began having bouts of anxiety about how I would go about writing a review about the cinematography of Forrest Gump when I had no idea what good cinematography looked like, no pun intended! I decided that the best place to start would be by getting a few books out of the library about cinematography and begin researching to see if I could find a sort of rubric in which to base my review on. Turns out I was pretty unsuccessful in finding a set rubric, but I did read a book that had several important characteristics of cinematography, and after reading it, it inspired me to make my own rubric based on the following questions. The book was entitled Cinematography, by Kris Malkiewicz. As I do more research, I plan to add or remove questions from this rubric of sorts.
Are the camera angles used effectively? Are they ever used for a particular effect?
Are there special effects in the film? Are they essential to the plot? Are the handled skillfully?
Do the camera speeds create a certain effect?
What effect does what is in focus have on the scene as a whole?
Are they trying to illustrate something by having one thing in particular in focus?
What is the focus of the scene and how does the lighting help to emphasize this?
Is black and white used? If so, what is the effect of it?
Does the color scheme used add to the mood or distract from it?
Is there uniformity to the color scheme and or temperature?
Is the light source hard or soft, and how does this effect the mood or scene?
How are lighting and color used to direct the eye to certain parts of a scene?
What is the effect of the costumes on the setting or scene?
What is the effect of the entire color scheme of the movie?
Do the colors used create a certain mood or symbolize something important?
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