What is the focus of the scene and how does the lighting help to emphasize this?
How are lighting and color used to direct the eye to certain parts of a scene?
William Wallace and his men arrive out of the village, and descend from the top of a mountain with bright blue war paint on their faces. It draws the eye to their faces as well as their facial expressions as they prepare for battle.
A bloody sword is shown swaying in the ground against the beautiful, blue sky in the concluding scene. The bright red blood on the sword drew my eye to it immediately, which is the effect the cinematographers of the film were intending.
The princess of England and her lady in waiting are shown talking by one of the elegant palace windows, they are dressed in very ornate, gorgeous gowns, and light is pouring through the window and very gently highlighting their facial bone structure. This soft, gentle source of light emphasizes innocence and delicacy compared to the harsh lighting used to show the British and Scottish soldiers.
Is there uniformity to the color scheme and or temperature?
The earth tones used in Scotland are very uniform, everything has shades of blue, green and brown. There is even lots of dirt shown on the citizens faces and bodies, as well as many of them having bright blue eyes which contrast the muddy browns used.
How are lighting and color used to direct the eye to certain parts of a scene?
At the burial of William's father, Murron gives him a bright purple flower which William places on his father's dark, stony grave. The bright purple pigment of the flower draws your eye to it, which is important as the flower is sewn on William and Murron's marriage cloth as well as being the last memento of Murron for William once she dies.
William Wallace and his men arrive out of the village, and descend from the top of a mountain with bright blue war paint on their faces. It draws the eye to their faces as well as their facial expressions as they prepare for battle.
A bloody sword is shown swaying in the ground against the beautiful, blue sky in the concluding scene. The bright red blood on the sword drew my eye to it immediately, which is the effect the cinematographers of the film were intending.
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