Why Pauline Kael?

"[She] had a more positive influence on the climate for film in America than any other single person over the last three decades."

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Summarizing My Work So Far

From what i have learned so far while working on this project this year is that the soundtracks chosen for a movie are a very important part of its making. The effect the music has on the mood of the moment is also often overlooked by the audience. After watching many movies and listening to the tracks chosen for them, and the timing at which the music is played, has made me notice that music is, in fact, a very important factor in movie making. It often backs up the visual aspects of the movie as it does in, for example, a sad moment where the music played helps the audience better understand the feelings of characters and the mood of the moment. In other cases the music played can foreshadow something to come, as it does with a sudden pick up of music, moments before the tide of the battle turns and the main characters begin to overpower the opposing force. At times the music in the movie can be so soft that even when you try to hear it its hard to make out, but subconsciously your brain still acknowledges its presence and uses it to better connect you ,as the audience, and the movie with its events and characters.

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